Taking care of a newborn is hard work. Sleep deprivation can cause a mama to want to cry at the slightest baby resistance. Right now my eyes are barely open, but every flinch, moan, murmur out of Emma's mouth, makes me panic, because I might be able to decipher what she wants.
But thank goodness there are some items out there that can help soothe her...
It was given as a gift for Megan. She loved it and it seems to also be a favorite of Emma's. Emma falls asleep so much easier when you bounce the chair and the soothing sounds help a lot. When it's play time, the lights just make her alert.
Babies spit up a lot and that's why I like the bouncer. It puts the baby at a sit up position so after I burp her, I would lay her in the bouncer for about 5-10 minutes for her to digest the milk.
2. Playmat (Play Gym)
This mat is amazing! Comes with a mirror and numerous hanging toys. The mat itself has sounds and crinkly material that entertains any newborn.
My 2 year old just rediscovered this play mat and has been hogging it from her baby sis.
3. Gripe Water
Emma started to have colic when she was 3 weeks old. I didn't know what was going on. She kept crying between the hours of 11pm and 3 am. I was going out of my mind. It wasn't hunger, nor a dirty diaper. Why wouldn't she sleep? What was going on?
A friend mention colic and I was like OHHHH.....
If you don't like giving this, there is a home remedy. You'll need: a heating pad, strips of fabric
Heat the strips of fabric between the heating pad and when hot, apply to baby's tummy. Alternate fabric when heat dissipates.
I did that also when I misplaced the gripe water one night and it worked well too.
4. Rocking Chair/Glider with Ottoman
My back would kill me if I didn't have this chair. Actually any comfortable high back chair would work. This is a Dutalier sleigh Glider/ Recliner. Babies R Us carries it.
The ottoman has a slide out footstool that helps with elevating your feet when you need to.
5. Nipple Cream
Mother Love Nipple Cream is all natural made with olive oil and shea butter. That's what I like about it. I slathered the thing on like lip gloss for your breasts.
I know friends who use Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple Cream and they swear by it but I was told some babies are allergic to Lanolin. weird but true. So better to be safe than sorry.
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