I have been receiving emails from babycenter.com since I became pregnant. I love the info they send to me week by week through my pregnancy. And I especially love it when they didn't abandon me when I gave birth. Babycenter.com kept me informed as a new parent week by week of my child's growth. It helped me keep track of Megan's development and even sometimes helped me resolve issues and even reasserted my parenting skills.
Like any new parent, I do not know half the time what the hell I'm doing.
But the thing I love about babycenter.com is their cartoons. I always am on the lookout for their funny as heck cartoon which is at the bottom of the emails every other week. I found out that the artist is Cathy Thorne of http://everydaypeoplecartoons.com/
And now I have been asking this question a lot lately. She's been a bad bad little girl and she can't even talk yet!
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