Thursday, August 6, 2009

Joys of Parenting

My 19th month old baby girl is really growing. She's just sprouting super fast. At her last checkup she was 34.5 inches tall and weighed 26lbs. The doctor was asking how many words she can really say and I was worried that she wasn't talking much. Mostly it was in baby gibberish that 90% of time no one could understand.

She says:
Ba - for grandma
Um - pick me up in vietnamese but it's been like 3 months since she said that word.
Where's that?
What's that?
Who's that?

Today she said something new! I had turned on the TV for her and she replied, "Tank You." hehe. I was shocked.

It made me happy and it's kinda promising that I'm doing something right.


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